Stop absorbing others’ energy

There can be various reasons why someone may feel like they absorb other people's energy. One possible explanation is that you may be highly sensitive or empathic, which means that you can pick up on the emotions and energy of others easily. This can make you more vulnerable to feeling drained or overwhelmed by negative energy.

To stop absorbing other people's energy, here are a few strategies you can try:

  1. Set boundaries: Learn to establish healthy boundaries by communicating your needs clearly and assertively. It's okay to say no to people or situations that drain your energy and prioritize your well-being. [throat chakra work]

  2. Practice mindfulness: Pay attention to your own thoughts and emotions and learn to ground yourself in the present moment. Meditation, deep breathing, or other mindfulness practices can help you stay centered and calm.

  3. Visualize protection: Imagine a protective shield or aura surrounding you that repels negative energy. Visualize every tiny detail, from what the shield is made from, does it have fairy lights, what colour is it. What happens when negative energy comes into contact with it? Does it slide off or is it reflected back? You can also visualize a bright light or positive energy flowing into your body and filling you up or calling on Archangel Michael.

  4. Take care of yourself: Engage in self-care activities that help you recharge and replenish your energy. This can include things like exercise, getting enough sleep, eating well, and doing activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

There are many crystals that are believed to have properties that can help protect you from absorbing other people's energy as well. Here are a few examples:

  1. Black Tourmaline: This is a powerful grounding stone that is believed to help absorb negative energy and transmute it into positive energy, and protect you from electromagnetic radiation.

  2. Amethyst: This crystal is said to have a calming energy that can help reduce stress and anxiety. It's also believed to help protect against psychic attack and negative energy. *note here: I have had clients that have had rare reactions when working with Amethyst where it makes them anxious and jittery. If this is the case with you, choose another crystal.

  3. Labradorite: This is a protective stone that is believed to help shield you from negative energy and psychic vampires.

  4. Hematite: This crystal is said to have a grounding energy that can help you feel more centered and balanced. It's also believed to help absorb negative energy and protect against electromagnetic radiation.

  5. Selenite: This is a cleansing and purifying crystal that can help remove negative energy from your body and environment.

  6. Black obsidian: This is considered a protective crystal that can help absorb negative energy and shield you from harmful influences. [my personal favourite]

When using crystals for protection, it's important to cleanse and charge them regularly to ensure that they are working at their best. You can do this by placing them in sunlight or moonlight, or by smudging them with sage or palo santo. It's also important to set your intention for the crystal and carry it with you or place it in your environment where you feel it will be most helpful. To purchase one or more of these crystals, head to our Crystal & Incense site:

Remember that it's okay to prioritize your own well-being and take steps to protect your energy. By setting boundaries and practicing self-care, you can learn to manage your sensitivity and feel more empowered in your interactions with others


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Reiki does not use psychic or mediumship skills.