Feng Shui Consultancy

Restore balance and harmony to your home or business

Your Personal Blueprint

A BaZi report tells you all about your inner self:

  • your characteristics

  • traits

  • talents

  • strengths and weaknesses

  • 8 Mansions Ming Gua + Lucky and Unlucky directions

  • Your beneficial elements

  • Careers most suited to

*Once Bree receives your DOB and your time of birth, please allow 9-12 days for your 20-page report to be emailed.

Balinese-inspired Blessing & Cleansing for Home or Business

Inspired by traditional Balinese Blessing & Cleansing, we infuse Reiki into this beautiful service to create a peaceful and nurturing environment.

Why have a Blessing and Cleansing ceremony?

  1. Spiritual Cleansing: Over time, negative energy can accumulate in a space due to various factors such as stress, conflicts, or residual emotions from previous occupants. A Blessing & Cleansing ceremony helps to purify the energy of the space, removing any stagnant or harmful energy and creating a more positive and harmonious environment.

  2. Peace and Harmony: Sound and smoke cleansing rituals, along with offerings, invoke spiritual protection and blessings from higher powers or deities. This can help to restore balance and harmony within the space, fostering a sense of peace and tranquility for occupants.

  3. Residual Energies: The smoke from herbs or incense used in the cleansing process clears away any residual energies or entities lingering in the space. This can be particularly beneficial if the space has experienced negative events or if there is a sense of heaviness or stagnation.

  4. Intentions and Goals: By incorporating offerings and specific rituals into the Blessing & Cleansing ceremony, the home or business owners can set intentions and goals for the space. This could include intentions for prosperity, protection, health, or success in endeavours related to the home or business. The ceremony serves as a powerful way to focus energy and intention towards these goals.

A Blessing & Cleansing ceremony offers a holistic approach to creating a sacred and energetically vibrant space, promoting spiritual well-being, and inviting blessings and abundance into the home or business. To book one of these in, please purchase via the button below. As these are completed on auspicious dates for the month and the home/business owner, Bree will be in touch to book the best date in.

Classical Feng Shui Consultancy Services


“Your home should be a sanctuary for your soul, a place where you can find peace, inspiration, and renewal”

— Unknown