Welcome to

Malachite Healing

Welcome to Malachite Healing, your destination for holistic pregnancy services. Our dedicated practitioner, Pam Melling, is a certified Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner, Hypnobirthing Practitioner, Childbirth Educator, and Reiki Master. We are absolutely thrilled to have her on board, and she is available to assist you in The Reiki Nook every Friday.


Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)

RTT rapid transformational therapy - utilises hypnotherapy to access your subconscious mind - to address unconscious beliefs and destructive patterns that are hindering your success, happiness and fulfilment.

This therapy can have rapid and profound results, resulting in permanent change and benefits. Each session is a powerful experience.

Hypnobirthing Classes

Hypnobirthing Australia Childbirth Educator for Positive Birth and Positive Caesarean.

Assisting women to experience a positive pregnancy and birth. To release their fears, anxiety and trauma. Empowering them with knowledge/resources, extensive tool kit, support and confidence in themselves.

Childbirth Education

Classes to come.

Reiki Master

Reiki Healing - experienced Reiki Master. Our passion is to nurture and assist women during their pregnancy.

Pam Melling is a highly experienced practitioner with expertise in various holistic approaches. She is passionate about guiding expectant mothers through a transformative and empowering pregnancy journey. Pam's nurturing and supportive approach ensures that you receive the best care throughout this special time in your life.

About Pam Melling

Book a session with Malachite Healing

To schedule an appointment with Pam at Malachite Healing, please use the following booking link: Book Now