Third Eye: Chakra Series

Are you feeling disconnected from your intuition and inner guidance? Are you struggling to make decisions or lacking clarity in your life? If so, it may be time to focus on balancing your Third Eye Chakra, also known as Ajna.

The Third Eye Chakra is the sixth chakra in the human energy system, and is located in the centre of the forehead, between the eyebrows. It is associated with the element of light and is represented by the colour indigo. This chakra is responsible for our ability to perceive and command, giving us insight and intuition, and allowing us to see beyond the physical world and into the spiritual realm.

When this chakra is balanced, you may experience a sense of clarity and focus, as well as an increased ability to tap into your intuition and inner guidance. You may feel more connected to your higher self and have a greater sense of purpose in life.

However, if this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, you may experience a range of physical, emotional, and mental symptoms. Some common signs of an imbalanced Third Eye Chakra include headaches, migraines, vision problems, anxiety, and depression.

To balance and activate this chakra, there are several practices you can incorporate into your daily routine. One of the most effective methods is through affirmations and activation exercises.

Affirmations are powerful tools that can help you to shift your mindset and connect with your Third Eye Chakra. Some affirmations you can use include:

  • "I trust my intuition and inner guidance."

  • "I am open to receiving intuitive insights."

  • "I see beyond the physical world and into the spiritual realm."

Activation exercises can also help to stimulate energy flow through your Third Eye Chakra. Here is a simple exercise you can try:

Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight and your hands resting on your knees. Take a few deep breaths and focus your attention on the space between your eyebrows. Visualize a deep purple light radiating from that area, growing brighter and stronger with each inhale. As you exhale, imagine any blockages or negative energy being released from your Third Eye Chakra. Repeat this exercise for 5-10 minutes.

Incorporating practices like meditation, yoga, and spending time in nature can also be beneficial in balancing your Third Eye Chakra. By taking the time to nurture and activate this powerful chakra, you can tap into your inner wisdom and connect with your higher self, creating a more fulfilling and purposeful life.


Reiki: A Healing Journey Through Universal Energy