Benefits of using Selenite

It’s no secret that I love working with selenite. We even have an entire corner designated to selenite because I love it so much. But what is it and why should you start working with it. Read on to find out more.

Selenite is a form of the mineral gypsum, which is composed of calcium sulfate. It is a translucent or transparent crystal with a pearly or vitreous luster. Here are some potential benefits of selenite:

  1. Spiritual and emotional healing: Selenite is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and can help to promote peace and relaxation. It is often used in meditation and energy healing practices to clear negative energy and promote a sense of clarity and well-being.

  2. Enhance clarity and mental focus: Selenite is also believed to help enhance mental clarity, improve focus, and aid in decision-making. It is said to help clear mental confusion and promote mental flexibility.

  3. Promote physical healing: Selenite is believed to have a positive effect on the physical body as well. It is said to help promote cell regeneration, support the immune system, and assist in the healing of wounds and other injuries.

  4. Improve sleep quality: Selenite is believed to help promote restful sleep and reduce insomnia. It is said to have a calming effect on the mind and can help to soothe anxiety and promote relaxation.

  5. Cleanse other crystals: Selenite is often used to cleanse and recharge other crystals. It is believed to have a high vibration that can help to clear negative energy from other stones and restore their natural energy.

There are several different types of selenite, including:

  1. White selenite: This is the most common type of selenite and is usually transparent or translucent with a white or grayish color.

  2. Desert rose selenite: This type of selenite forms in desert regions and has a unique rosette-like shape with layers of white and brown or red.

  3. Blue selenite: This type of selenite is rare and is characterized by a blue or bluish-gray color. It is believed to have a strong connection to the throat chakra and can help with communication and self-expression.

  4. Peach selenite: This type of selenite has a peachy color and is often used for emotional healing and stress relief. The incoporation of hematite adds to its orange-y hue. Best connected to the sacral chakra.

  5. Green selenite: This type of selenite has a greenish hue and is believed to have a strong connection to the heart chakra. It is said to help with emotional healing, compassion, and forgiveness.

Each type of selenite has its own unique properties and can be used for different purposes depending on the specific needs of the individual.

One of my favourite ways to use selenite is in a protection grid. Creating a selenite protection grid can be a powerful way to promote a sense of peace, clarity, and protection in your home or office. By setting your intention and working with the energy of the crystals, you can create a space that feels safe, nurturing, and energizing. I place a small piece of selenite over the doorways and windows in my home and in The Nook. I also place Black Tourmaline on the opposite side of the selenite piece. These act as what I like to call “laser beams” protecting the space from negative energy.

Overall, selenite is a versatile crystal with many potential benefits for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


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